The 18+ Sero Bang 2021 has now concluded, thank you for taking part or following our progress! You can view the collection of art and fic under "Bang Works"



  • What are the writer requirements?

A completed fic is at least 2k words. It has to be an original unpublished piece. It may be a sequel or a prequel but cannot have been previously published. If you would like to continue your piece after the bang, go for it! Chaptered fics are more than welcome, we just ask that you have the first chapter ready for the bang. Please make sure everything is tagged properly, there are no content restrictions!

  • What are the artist requirements?

A completed artwork is a piece of (at least) lineart that relates to your writer's story. Any and all canvas sizes accepted. If you have agreed to more than one piece you will need to submit a check-in for each one.

  • What is a "gift fic"?

For writers only: In the event that you would prefer not to work with an artist, or if an artist is unable to create art for your fic due to unforeseen circumstances, a short "Gift Fic" can be written by another Bang collaborator for you for your efforts.

  • What is a "mini check-in"?

This will be a chance for the mod team to touch base with the collaborators one week after team announcements to check that everyone has been able to contact their partners and make sure that there aren't any communication issues early on.

  • Why is there a SFW option if this is an 18+ Bang?

We can appreciate that just because this event has been created with an adult environment in mind, not everyone may wish to create NSFW or problematic content. The SFW option is available so that all contributors know they are free to create whatever content they choose within this 18+ space.


  • Interest check: Feb 1st - Feb 15th '21

  • Mod apps: Feb 17th - Mar 13th 2021

  • Writer/Artist/Beta apps: Mar 15th - Apr 15th '21

  • Summary submissions: Apr 30th - May 8th '21

  • Summary previews: May 10th - May 19th '21

  • Summary claims: May 20th - May 24th '21

  • Pairs announced: May 28th '21

  • Mini check-in: June 4th - June 7th '21

  • Check-in 1: June 20th - June 26th 2021

  • Check-in 2: July 25th - July 31st 2021

  • Check-in 3: Aug 22nd - Aug 28th 2021

  • Final check-in: Sept 20th - Sept 26th '21

  • Previews: Oct 1st - Oct 5th '21

  • Posting day: Oct 9th - Oct 15th '21

Bang Works

Here you can find the AO3 collection for the event, as well as the Twitter Moments featuring all of the promo posts for the contributors who took part in the 18+ Sero Bang 2021 (split by artists and writers)